
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Christlyn Moore Fired From Peoples Partnership Cabinet

Fired Justice Minister, Christlyn Moore
Just after she was fired yesterday, former justice minister Christlyn Moore thanked Prime Minister Kam­la Persad-Bissessar for giving her the opportunity to serve the country.

One year ago, Persad-Bissessar appointed Moore as justice minister to replace Herbert Volney, whom she had fired following the Section 34 debacle.

In announcing the changes to her Ca­binet yesterday, Persad-Bissessar said Moore’s appointment was revoked and Emmanuel George would be the new Justice Minister. George had held the post of national security minister, which has now been given to Gary Griffith.

In a release, Moore said her tenure in Government was driven by the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP).

She pointed out that Cabinet comprises a team of individuals with strong views which are often matched by a high level of camaraderie and team spirit. 

“As a Cabinet member, I was affor­ded the distinct pleasure of engaging with this team as we collectively delivered on our mandate to serve the people of Trinidad and Tobago,” said Moore.

“The Ministry of Justice is a new ministry with a difficult portfolio, and it is staffed by dedicated professionals who spare no effort in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. Words cannot express my thanks to this group of committed public servants,” she added.

Moore extended best wishes to George, saying as she steps away from the glare of public life, it was her wish the Government would continue to deliver on the mandate given in 2010.
“My support and appreciation is unconditionally available as we strive to make Trinidad and Tobago a better place for all citizens,” said Moore.


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