
Monday, June 25, 2012

Cabinet Reshuffle a move to Entrench Power

In an unprecedented move by the Prime minister, Trinidad and Tobago now has more ministries per capita compared to any country in the world. The proliferation of splitting Ministries down the half has been the order of the day for this PP Government, a move that have gone unquestioned for yet another time. The citizens of Trinidad and Tobago need to examine this apparent random act with a critical eye. We need to question the relevance of these ministries and demand proper justifications as to why we are called to bare the financial burden so that party affiliates can "Eat ah Food". Why does this PM disturb the status quo within various ministries? Is it that the persons selected as Ministers are incapable, incompetent and unqualified, insofar that their jobs are done poorly to the many which have done the same job before? One must question why it is she (PM) feels compelled to lesson the workload of Ministers and create some many "waste of time" ministries. Is it that she wants to create an environment of "dependency" within her cabinet? an atmosphere of reliance and need so as to further solidify and maintain the arms of control? The idea of different Ministries having similar portfolios is a worrying reality. How can you have a Ministry of Public Utilities and a Ministry of Environment and Water. There has to be some overlapping and redundancy within these two portfolios. I am of the view that these ministries are not created out of a national interest. They are not created to better serve you or me, nor are they created to enhance the delivery of goods and services. They are created to entrench power, to maintain her acquired authority by securing her influence from/by her 'generosity' to persons directly dependent on her. These "Yes Men" as it were, are mere puppets controlled by the puppeteer the PM.  These are the "pull string" ministers that cannot object to her expressed desires for fear of being demoted or sidelined. Within this self built safety net, she garners support from them without question or thought and further anchor herself as 'Optimus' Prime leader of the autobots. It has been the second cabinet reshuffle within two years of Governance, and we the people of Trinidad and Tobago have been the losers on both sides. We've lost from the side of efficiency and delivery and we've lost financially. The people must not suffer under this Piece together Government. The people Trinidad and Tobago must not be losers to a selected few who continue to enjoy the spoils of this Nation.  Trinidad and Tobago lets cumulatively harvest our strength and collectively resist these atrocities that are being extended us. Lets put a stop to this quest game that the PM has going on.


Minister of National Security: 
Jack Warner, MP 

Minister in the Ministry of National Security:
Collin Partap, MP

Minister of Legal Affairs: Prakash Ramadhar, MP

Attorney General: Senator Anand Ramlogan

Minister of Finance & The Economy
(with responsibility for Caribbean Airlines): Larry Howai

Minister of the People and Social Development:
Dr Glenn Ramadharsingh, MP

Minister in the Ministry of the People
and Social Development: Vernella Alleyne-Toppin, MP

Minister of Education:Dr Tim Gopeesingh, MP

Minister of Housing: Dr Roodal Moonilal, MP

Minister of Gender, Youth and Child Development:
Marlene Coudray

Minister of Justice: Herbert Volney, MP

Minister of Public Administration:
Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan, MP

Minister of Energy: Senator Kevin Ramnarine

Minister of Labour & Small & Micro
Enterprise Development: Errol Mc Leod, MP

Minister of Transport: Chandresh Sharma, MP

Minister of Sport: Anil Roberts, MP

Minister of Planning: Senator Dr Bhoendradatt Tiwarie

Minister of Public Utilities: Nizam Baksh, MP

Minister of Tobago Development: Dr Delmon Baker, MP

Minister of Local Government:
Dr Surujrattan Rambachan, MP

Minister in the Ministry of Local Government:
Rudranath Indarsingh, MP

Minister of Works and Infrastructure:
Senator Emmanuel George

Minister in the Ministry of
Works and Infrastructure: Stacy Roopnarine, MP

Minister of the Arts and Multiculturalism:
Dr Lincoln Douglas, MP

Minister of Health: Dr Fuad Khan MP

Minister of State in the Office of the
Prime Minister: Rodger Samuel, MP

Minister of Tertiary Education: Senator Fazal Karim

Minister of Tourism: Stephen Cadiz, MP

Minister of Community Development:
Winston Peters, MP

Minister of Food Production: Senator Devant Maharaj

Minister of State in the Ministry
of Food Production: Jairam Seemungal, MP

Minister of Science & Technology: Dr Rupert Griffith

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Winston Dookeran, MP

Minister of Trade, Industry & Investment:
Senator Vasant Bharath

Minister of the Environment & Water Resources:
Ganga Singh

Minister of State in the Ministry of Environment &
Water Resources: Ramona Ramdial, MP

Minister of National Diversity & Social Integration:
Clifton De Coteau

Minster in the Ministry of National
Diversity & Social Integration: Senator Embau Moheni

Minister of Communication: Jamal Mohammed

Deputy Speaker: Nela Khan, MP

Written by O.J.Noel25 June 2012

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