Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Is This a Race Game:Emancipation Support Committee Refuses Government's Measly $1 Million

Symbolic of Breaking the Chains of Slavery
With mere days from Emancipation 2012, the typical drama have unfolded again. A 1 million dollar cheque given by the PP Government to the Emancipation Support Committee (ESC) was refused, as it is believed that the sum cannot fund the celebration. 
Khafra kambon, Leader of the ESC stated that he and his committee were beyond disappointed and angered by the lack of financial support for yet another time. An emotional Kambon further stated that the festival has profound meaning, but has been treated with disrespect along with the people of African descent. Like he did last year, he repeated that the Emancipation commemoration be a budgeted item and all "systemic obstacles" that are in the way of the committee receiving funding be removed.
He further contended that the PP Government have reneged on its promise to include funding for the Emancipation Day celebrations in its annual budget, suggesting that the group may need to "make noise" in order not to be left out.

Kamblon stated that this years production would total $7 million and have therefore refused to accept the 1 million without further commitment by the Government to the give the balance. Last year, celebrations reached the visinity of $4 million and therefore 1 million is no less than an insult. 

Moreover, Kambon noted that  when things of an African nature was in need of assistance it was blanked from both the private and public sector in terms of funding. Something, he described as an "inbuilt bias against the African" in the society.

When asked why the committee didn't seek to one day be self-sufficient,  Kambon suggested that another member present answer and education officer of the committee, Tracy Wilson, said the funding was reparation. Yes Reparation.

"It is interesting that every time we have a press conference this question comes up. We have worked for centuries to get other people rich. When we walked off the plantation it was other people who were compensated. Why it is that because we ask for what we believe is our due it becomes a problem? More importantly, we are an NGO (non-governmental organisation) that is responsible in helping organising the society," Wilson said.

History would show that on Tuesday 30, May, 2006 Kamla, then Opposition leader called on the Government then (PNM) to release more funds for Indian Arrival Day, stating that the funds received were an insult to the Indian People.  Today, she is remainded of her own words, “There must be adequate and transparent funding...,There must be equity in such funding if we are to rescue our nation.” “Their struggles and sacrifices and hard work must not be forgotten and the fruits of their labour must not be diminished, Their legacy to this country is a rich and invaluable one that deserves the utmost respect and admiration." 

Therefore, the Government should note that Emancipation celebration is a national festival done in Celebrating the seemingly 'elevated' status of "Black Slaves". The ESC wishes therefore, that the words enshrined in our anthem 'every creed and race find an equal place' be adhered to, for the benefit of all our nation’s citizens. In the words of Wilson "We cannot have good Trinidadians until we have good Indians, good Syrians and good Africans. 

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