Thursday, August 2, 2012

Tobago Emancipate yourselves.

A midst Emancipation celebrations, Tobago was reminded that 'freedom' is not measured by hands bound in chains. Nor is it measure by European massas, slave ships and plantations. For yet another time, we as a Tobago people must suffer at the expense of Trinidad. Celebratory events cancelled, Airwaves shout down, fuel shortage among other negatives. We as a people must remain in 'darkness' for over four (4) hours, as a random man 'flicked' a switch in Toco.

True freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence, and the cost of such is always high. We must ensure that self governance remains paramount on our agenda. As only then can we truly experience Emancipation. Lets us be known as APT James, a real "fargo", equipped with the strength to crush all opponents. Let us continue the fight of James and his calls for Tobagonian secession from Trinidad. Continue the fight my brothers and sisters, as we must in the near future confront the crucial issue of 'true freedom' and independence, where Tobago can Emancipate themselves from dependency and control of Trinidad.  

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