Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Auchenskeoch Roudabout Completed-Double Lanes.

Auchenskeoch Roundabout-Double lane
Tobago. Photo taken from DIPU fb page

The Auchenskeoch Roundabout has been completed. Although no official opening ceremony, the public has been allowed to use the double lane round about much to their delight and motoring comfort. This has end months of discomfort to taxi drivers and other commuters as they had to  endure long hours in traffic, and having to use alternative routes to get to the western side of the Island.

The roundabout have occupied the political discourse for some time. At its inception the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP)  expressed their disapproval in its construction,  suggesting the use of a traffic light system as     the better option for the motoring public. Political Leader of the TOP further attacked the Assembly when he openly criticized the use of the roundabout on a major highway in his speech at the post Budget rally in Tobago stating that he has never seen such ah thing. 

Today, traffic was seem flowing smoothly easterly and westerly, with drivers getting accustom to the road signage around the roundabout,  filtering with all ease in and out of  Carnbee.

However, the Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities must ensure that proper lighting is placed at the round about, as on coming lights from vehicles can blind drivers without the assistance of overhead lights during hours of darkness.

The Auchenskeoch Roundabout is the second roundabout to be open by the PNM Administration in recent times, with the first being at the newly opened Scarborough Hospital. Congratulations to the Secretary of the Division of Infrastructure and Public Utilities for this timely intervention, and for attempting to implement measures that would alleviate the number of road carnage that are experienced at the junction.

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