
Sunday, December 2, 2012

I am In Command Says Kamla

Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar and Security Minister
Jack Warner.
I am in command, were the words of the Prime Minister to her party supporters  at a United National Congress' (UNC) meeting at Rienzi Complex, Couva yesterday evening. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar  emphatically stated that nothing will stop the highway and that the project "must" continue. She made this statement on the heals of a meeting which is schedule for Monday between her government civil society groups and the Joint Consultative Counsel (JCC) meeting. 

The PM also put her Party in election mode given that The Tobago House of Assembly, and the Local Elections is due next year. Notably, this was done as two set of polls one by the CCN TV6 and the other by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association the latter suggesting that the approval rating of the People's Partnership has slipped from an all time high of 70 per cent to 38 per cent at mid term. 

More critical is her assertion that her UNC party does not require the other Coalition Parties to win an election. She sounded her warning to  members yesterday saying that they must never lose sight "of the importance of the party in getting us into Government", and wasted no time in letter the other coalition members know that deserters of the party would not be treated kindly.

Further she stated "For those within the Partnership who think otherwise and would wish to go it on their own, let me also confirm that the electorate will chew and spit out such individuals or political groups who are seen to be betraying the trust that has been placed in the Partnership. By all means , this must be a response to Prakrash's statements earlier this week to how the Government is responding to the Kublalsingh's reroute movement. 

"That is why sometimes contrary to your own desires as members of the UNC, I have borne the pains of insults, the stress of threats and sometimes what amounts to be blackmail of my leadership," said Persad-Bissessar.

"I am in command as your PM," she said.

She noted that her Government had come under sharp criticism from the Opposition People's National Movement (PNM) last week for developing south of the Caroni.

Jumping into her divisive mode as usual, she stated "I say no more of that because the comments were filled with undertones and overtones designed to create public mischief and dissonance. They seem to have conveniently forgotten that the North of Trinidad has been the greatest beneficiary of the oil wealth from the South and that the South has remained underdeveloped.

"This is also why it is important that nothing must stand in the way of the Highway to Point Fortin. The highway is about economic opportunities and social transformation as it is about the ease of movement. Let not the highway debate get lost in the side shows and side talk," Persad Bissessar said. 

The Prime Minister stated members of the UNC now had responsibilities to keep the party strong. "Getting into Government has been a role you have played well. You have sacrificed and now it is your duty to stay in power. You know the cost of losing power. The PNM will discriminate, will deny, will frustrate you at every turn,". 

She called for party members and supporters to help expand the party as they prepare for elections, she urged them to form party groups in every electoral area as part of Local Government elections which are seven months away.

She also said members must "be prepared" for attacks against the government even as she called on them to stand ready to "defend" their leaders.

With this type of speech, it must be noted that the PM is getting reader for election knowing that she is more than two and a half into her term, and that inward resistance is mounting and threatening her coalition. I hope all other Parties are gathering their troops as we may see an early election if persons decide to end their "eat ah food" position. 

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