Monday, January 7, 2013

PNM Forced to Support Internal Self Government Bill.

Internal Self-Government Bill- which was tabled in Parliament earlier today by Kamla Persad Bissessar might not help the cause of TOP in the THA elections 2013. The timing of the Bill has come under serious condemnation by Opposition leader Keith Rowley, Chief Secretary Orville London and Leader for the TPT Hochoy Charles. 

In their estimation it is another attempt by the PP Government to rush a Bill through the parliament. The timing of it being laid in the parliament can only be viewed as an insult to the people of Tobago and speaks to how trivial the PP Government views the process and the issue of Internal Self Governance for Tobago. 

There is no doubt that the issue of Internal Self Governance has become politicized and is being used by the Prime Minister as political armor for her alliance with the TOP. This move should be condemn and rejected. There is no doubt that the bill would expand the Autonomy of the THA and redound in benefits for Tobagonians, however the issue of Internal Self Government must not be lessened to a political promise or gimmick in a bid to ascertain electoral votes. 

The Government would need the assistance of the PNM to have the bill passed.  It is left to be seen whether Opposition members would support the bill or would they heed London's advised and not support. I Would advise the PNM although the timing is questionable and motive may seem improper, no effort should be spared in improving the lives of all Tobagonians. 

1 comment:

  1. Very good advise in the last sentence. Tobagonians should see it as a step forward regardless of the reasons it is suddenly a priority. Let's stay focused Tobago- stay focused on the bigger picture!


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