Saturday, July 27, 2013

Caribbean Airlines Adds Jet and ATR Flights to Tobago for the Summer

Image by Tobagodaily
The Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association said in a press release today that it welcomed the announcement of additional seats on Caribbean Airlines flights between Tobago and Trinidad.

From Emancipation (August 1) to Independence day (August 31), the airline will be adding a jet holding one hundred and fifty four passengers as well as adding additional flights using the existing ATR fleet, the release said. Aerei da Trasporto Regionale or Avions de Transport Régional (ATR) is an Italian-French based aircraft manufacturer. The jet will operate on Mondays,Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. While the ATRs will operate from August 1 until September 8 on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays.

The Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association has long campaigned for additional airlift between the two islands which will not only benefit the people of Tobago but visitors trying to reach the island from Piarco International Airport in Trinidad.

Commenting on the new development, Vice President of the Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association Chris James said: “Expanding airlift between the two islands has always been a priority for the association as one of the biggest problems for visitors is the connecting services with international flights. The decision by the CEO of Caribbean Airlines to provide a jet and additional ATR flights will go a long way toward boosting Tobago's tourism sector. This will in turn benefit all of Tobago, including fishermen, farmers, shop workers, entertainers, suppliers, taxi drivers, etc. So many people here in Tobago are part of and reliant upon tourism in some way.”


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