
Friday, September 6, 2013

Man Fined $300 for Bringing Weed to Court

THE Belmont man who was charged with being in possession of marijuana at the Port of Spain Magistrates' Court on Monday was yesterday ordered to pay a $300 fine.

Sheldon Coutain of Belmont Valley Road, was arrested and charged by PC Winston Mulchan of the Court and Process Branch on Monday after Malchan was conducting searches at the court cells.

Magistrate Debbie-Ann Bassaw was told that Malchan was conducting routine searches of prisoners entering the prison cells at the courthouse around 9.30 am when two cigarettes, a purple lighter and .5 grams of marijuana was found in Coutain's front left pocket.

Coutain told Malchan that it was a little smoke and asked for "ah chance". Coutain was brought to court from Remand Yard on charges of gun possession.

Coutain could not be sentenced as the magistrate did not have his criminal record before her. The record was produced on Wednesday and revealed he had no prior convictions only pending matters for gun possession.

Bassaw ordered that Coutain pay the fine immediately or spend 30 days in prison.


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