He said the THA’s exercise on the budget was about taking care and taking responsibility.
“This administration is telling the people of Tobago that we have to take responsibility regardless of the circumstances and therefore we will explain what our challenges are. We will make you understand the viciousness of the PP regime and the callousness in which they are treating Tobago... but it is in that context that we are saying we were elected to take responsibility, we were elected to take care and therefore we must do that,” London added.
“One gets the feeling that the strategy of the central Government now is as far as possible ‘don’t quarrel with them, ignore them’.”
London said he had come to that conclusion based on the fact that the Prime Minister had indicated to him that they will meet once every three months but “these meetings are becoming farcical”.
He recalled he met with the Prime Minister on June 14 to discuss a number of things but got no response from her on the issues discussed.
He wrote the Prime Minister six weeks later on July 29 complaining he had not received a response from her on what they had discussed. However, on August 26 he received a response which said the matter was under consideration...“now two months later on October 24 it is still under consideration”.
London said he was saying this without any rancour but to let Tobagonians understand that the friends of Tobago reside in Tobago and Tobago’s business has to be dealt with by Tobagonians.
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