
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

$.4 Million Paid To Dr. Anslem London by THA

Dr. Anslem London. Photo courtesy Guardian
SOME $425,152 has been paid to former finance secretary Dr Anslem London, for providing services during the period February 1 and September of this year. This revelation comes on the heels of the Tobago House of Assembly deferring the hiring of Dr. London earlier this year, through the Executive Council. The break down for the payment of the funds is as follows:

Milshirv Affidavit Briefs and High Court Appearances — $93,184
Fiscal Management Briefs — $34,944
FCB Credit Facility Briefs — $34,944

Professional Advisory Services to the Secretary of Finance and Enterprise Development — $145,600
The Fiscal 2014 Budget and Statement — $116,480

This information was provided to members of the public, following Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) member Anslem Richards, requesting the information under the Freedom of Information Act Chapter 22:02. 

The information was then provided in a letter dated November 12. Documents provided to the Express revealed a voucher payment dated September 11, 2013, which shows the cost of final payment for professional services provided to the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development, payable at Scotiabank to Dr London . 

In a letter written by Dr. London to Finance Secretary Joel Jack, dated July 22, he states: ‘I look forward to the prompt settlement of this request for payment, and in this regard. I request that you credit my account at Scotiabank, Milford Road, Scarborough Tobago. Signed Anslem London PhD.”

THA Chief Secretary Orville London has said the hiring of consultants by the various divisions of the Tobago House of Assembly is governed by guidelines from the Central Tenders Board, which allows the Chief Administrator to hire consultants, up to a maximum of $500,000 per project. London said administrators in the Tobago House of Assembly have been designated a maximum of $250,000 per project.

“Under these guidelines and as happens as at the level of Central Government consultants have been hired from time to time to work on specific projects, in which the required expertise does not reside within the division.” 

London said the engagement of Dr. London by the Division of Finance does not in principle go against the decision by the Executive Council which withdrew a note to hire Dr. London at a fixed salary for a fixed period of time as that has not changed.


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