Monday, February 3, 2014

Signal Hill Mini Mall Keys Handed Out. Tobago businesses gets boost

Tobago’s business has gotten a boost with the opening of the Signal Hill mini malls.
The keys to the establishment were handed out last Thursday at a ceremony held at the Victor Bruce Building, headquarters of the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA).

In his address, THA Secretary for Finance and Enterprise Development, Joel Jack, said the project was part of the Division’s plan to foster economic development in the island’s economy.
Jack said the THA’s vision has been to increase commercial activities on the island and support community based entrepreneurs. 

He said these centres will support small and micro enterprises in communities around the island by solving the pressing problem of the inability to locate or afford suitable operating spaces.

“Through the intervention of the THA in this regard, business owners now have affordable, ideally located facilities through which they can interact with customers regularly and in a secure environment,” said Jack.
He advised tenants that they now have the responsibility to provide the best customer service, as well as quality goods and services to their clientele. 

The THA, he added, has been working tirelessly to offer continuous and pertinent support to the Tobago business community and many of these were delivered through the Business Development Unit (BDU) of the Division of Finance and Enterprise Development.

Jack said in 2014, the BDU will introduce a number of new initiatives that will contribute significantly to financing, marketing and capacity building in order to bring our entrepreneurs to new levels. 

He said this will include business training opportunities, and as far as possible, increased market exposure.
The THA, he said, will palce increased emphasis on enhancing export capability; there will be more initiatives to introduce Tobago products to the Trinidad, regional and international markets. 

Jack said the unit will seek to increase communication and heighten awareness of its role and facilities to the Tobago business community. In all of this, “I fully expect that the work of the Unit will act as a driver and catalyst of increased productivity and enhanced capability among Tobago entrepreneurs.’’


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