Thursday, March 6, 2014

‘Skandalus’ crowned Tobago senior king of the bands

In the senior parade of the bands in Scarborough, “Skandalus” with its presentation The King’s Court emerged winners, “Lue Ann and Associates” with its presentation The United Kingdom of Great Britain was second and “Gloria Stoute Next Generation” was third with Gathering of the Tribes.
Winners in the medium parade of the bands, first “Lindley & Associates” with Butterfly Utopia, second “Frolic Central” and third “Gems City”. While in the small band category “Minstrels of Tobago” copped first place, “Mas Masters” second and “Francis & Associates” were third.
Jouvert king winner was George Leacock and Blair Harrypersad was crowned queen. Jouvert band title in Scarborough was won by Radio Tambrin 92.7fm with “Legendary”, the presentation Oil Spill was second and “Bagatelle Crew” was third.


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