Thursday, April 30, 2015

NO! To Transgender

Hindu leader, Satnarayan Maharaj, secretary general of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, and Public relations officer for the Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies (PAWI), Reverend Michael Brathwaite, are among some Religious Leaders who are objecting to transsexual Jowelle de Souza’s bid to be elected to public office.

They are of the belief that she is breaking moral law by her lifestyle and that her policies would seek to advocate the lifestyles of non-heterosexuals, an act they label as immoral. 

De Souza, is a hairstylist and animal rights activist, and plans to run as an independent candidate for San Fernando West in the general election. She is the first person in Trinidad and Tobago to have undergone a sex change, doing so at age 19 when she went from being a man to being a woman.

1 comment:

  1. Trinidad and Tobago is not ready or will ever be ready for homosexuals and transgenders to take office. So Jowelle whatever his/its name is should stick to hair dressing PPPLEASE.


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