Thursday, June 28, 2012

Kamla In Front God Behind, "The Reason"

Kamla in front and God Behind PP 2010 election
Over two years have passed, and what seems to be an everlasting tale of Corruption, Self gratification, unhappiness by many citizens, Disaster, Injustices, Crime,  Mistakes and Mis-steps  have been plaguing this beloved country with no sight as to when it would ever end. But why this sudden change? Why, are we being punished? Why have we sunken into this grave abyss, struggling against this dark body of water amass with currents of confusion, hysteria and in-coherency? The answer lies in the subliminal pre-electoral campaigned  messages that have been branded so many times in front our very own eyes. "Pride goes before a fall", were the words of the wise man Solomon. Indeed, I have strong faith in those words. I believed them pre election 2010 and continue to assert that those words still hold, with strong affirmation. This Government came into power on the premise of "Change", however, the Nation received an Exchange. Referred by many as aunty Kamla, and credited with motherly characteristics, senses and care, you might be swayed into believing that running a country is as easy as managing a four (4) member household. Truth be told, motherhood would never prepare you for Prime-ministerial role. The picture attached to this disquisition, sums up the governance and the state of this country in its entirety. The reason for this apparent chaos, for the many mistakes and mis-steps, the constant reshuffling (trying to get it right) and the many atrocities we've had to endure in only two years of an infant government is simply because "God is not First". The bible makes it very definitive "Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain". Psalm 127:1 KJV
And that my friends is  The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but The Truth. 

Written by O.J.Noel
28th June 2012

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