Saturday, December 7, 2013

18 Month BABY Dies After Accident in Tobago

A fire officer carries 18-month-old Lesley Muir up a precipice
 on Thursday at Studley Park, Tobago, after the vehicle  in which she
was a passenger plunged into the sea below.
Lesley died yesterday. –Photo: ELIZABETH WILLIAMS
EIGHTEEN-month-old Lesley Muir has died following a vehicular accident in Tobago on Thursday. 
Her parents, Marlon Muir and Ann Marie McMillan, who were also occupants of the blue Nissan B13 car, were treated for their injuries at the Scarborough General Hospital and discharged. 

The family  sustained injuries when the car in which they were occupants plunged over an incline and into the sea at Shangy Hill, Studley Park, shortly after 3 p.m. on Thursday. 

The child was pitched into the water upon impact. 
Public relations officer of the Fire Service,  David Thomas,  said a search was mounted and some minutes later the child was found. “Little Lesley was discovered missing and a search was mounted, and the body was later discovered in the sea,” Thomas said. 

“Efforts to resuscitate her immediately commenced and it brought some results. We were able to get some water from her abdomen. We then rushed all parties to the Scarborough General Hospital,” Thomas said. 

Eyewitness, Karen Burgess, said it was not the first time  an incident of this kind has occurred in the area. Several calls to have the bend fixed with appropriate barriers have reportedly gone unheeded by the authorities.

The Express also learnt that around 2 a.m. yesterday another car plunged over the incline in the same area. The silver B16 car is owned by Andy Duncan and Adulphe Andrews. The occupants were transported to hospital and treated for their injuries.

Source: trinidadexpress

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