Sunday, February 21, 2021

Tobago THA Election Impasse

You think you could go into England and say you got law ,you mad oh mih Lord, England got more law more than Trinidad ,oh Lord". Those are lyrics from the mighty Power's hit Calypso .It is instructive that the PDP has made a tactically brilliant move by hiring two English Queen's counsels to fight their case regarding the tied THA elections.

At present, England ranks high in Juris Prudence ( the practice of law) .The English developed their law based on the knowledge they acquired from African civilisations in Egypt .So the PDP seems to be well prepared for the court battles ahead.

At different points in the history of humankind a leader rise up to move a people in a new direction. When the world needed a new spiritual direction Jesus came to planet Earth with the message of' Peace and Goodwill to all of humankind". When India wanted freedom from British colonialism Ghandi rose as the leader of the Indian Independence Movement and ignited the pro_ Independence movement throughout the British Empire. Then it was Mandela who took on the might of the racist regime in South Africa. While Martin Luther, Stokely ( Kwame) and others led the battle for African Americans human rights. Our own Buzz Butler and Daaga fought in different eras for a better TT.

Today in Tobago ,the vision of one man Watson Duke has created a vehicle ( PDP) which has attracted a cross section of Tobago Ian's including the brilliant Farley, Dr Faith, Tashia, Bro Baynes, Joel and others.

Although the PNM retains power in the THA, one could feel a growing discontent among the Bago masses and this include some of the thinking PNM supporters.

Now the PDP has decided to heat up the action by calling for a biblical styled seven time March around the THA a.l.a Jehrico. This is another master stroke by the PDP which will connect with the population. Surely, independent candidate Tony Hector must feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that he was planning to March around the THA on the eve of the elections.

Source: FB

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