Monday, November 5, 2012

Anslem Richards Debut on TOP Platform.

Anslem Richards

Anslem Richards last night made his entrance to the political platform on a Tobago Organisation of the People's ticket. He did this at a TOP political campaign which was held at Moriah.  This he did with vigor and vitality as he attacked the London led administration. 

In his presentation, he condemned the PNM's  use of "Race" and  dismissed the argument they have purported about " Indians taking over Tobago lands if TOP gets in power". Following that, he made mention that the PNM over the years, has been a party which has never shown interest in granting Tobago Internal Self Governance and charged that Internal Self Governance would be advanced and achieved with a TOP led THA. 

Richards deviated from the norm and the likes of other politicians which have tended to raised personal attacks pertaining to personal life matters as could have been perceived when the Justice Minister Ms. Moore made mention of perons in PNM being "SICK" and "SIN".  The picong usage have always been detrimental to "freshmen" politicians, no wonder Anslem shied away from personal attacks and stock to the basics using facts in his discussion about issues affecting Tobago.

Further more, he deliberated over the Green Paper and dismissed the PNM's allegations of it being tailored to rub Tobago and keep Tobago under Trinidad imperialism. In his contribution in which  he purported was about the truth, he condemned the PNM for wastage of 20 billion dollars in twelve (12) years. He noted that PNM philosophy of development was very narrow in scope, stating that the building of  few community centers that remain locked up for majority of the year unless there was a village wedding cannot be the scope in which we development Tobago. 

It is no secret that Tobago needs more educated politicians who can merged education, tact, and political influence to advance the cause of Tobago's people. Anslem Richards, though young in the political sphere can be a major asset to the TOP foundation as he is usually well researched and factual in most of his conversations. His ability in explaining issues, and disaggregating any subject matter into layman's terms may further assist the TOP in their quest of power. 


  1. mr richards only time will tell with you and the PP govt

  2. I wonder if he was objective all these time discussing the issues of Tobago or did he have a hidden agenda? Makes you think don't you.


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