Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Delmon Baker Admits.

Dr. Delmon Baker
Minister of Tobago Development
Minister of Tobago Development Dr Delmon Baker yesterday admitted he did undergo gastric bypass surgery.

His confirmation came only after an exclusive Express report yesterday headlined "Baker's secret surgery".
Last Friday, the Express questioned Baker on whether he had undergone surgery and who acted for him during his sick-leave period.
The minister neither confirmed nor denied the query and instead questioned, "What concern is that to the Express?"

Baker's surgery was shrouded in secrecy as even Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan had refused to comment on the issue and his Cabinet colleagues were in the dark as to what procedure Baker had undergone.

After publication of the story in yesterday's Express, Baker's ministry issued a press release providing full information on the minister's condition.

The release stated he had undergone surgery to treat with existing medical conditions.
"Dr Baker has diabetes and hypertension which has resulted in metabolic syndrome. He was advised by his doctor to undergo this medical procedure to assist in improving his health. Dr Baker informed The Honourable Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar of this health matter and he subsequently applied for ten days sick leave for the period October 25, 2012 to November 3, 2012," stated the release.

Baker, according to the release, underwent gastric bypass surgery at the Westshore Medical Hospital on October 25.

Based on information, the Express had reported on Monday the surgery took place at the Mt Hope Hospital.
The release added that Baker "progressed well" in his recovery and officially resumed duties as member of Parliament for Tobago West and Minister of Tobago Develop-ment on October 31.
"Minister Baker wants to assure members of the public that he is well and continues to conduct his duties in seeking the interest of all citizens, particularly those he is representing within communities of Tobago," stated the release.

Although Baker has confessed to having surgery, the question remains as to who acted for him and took responsibility for the Tobago Development portfolio during his absence.

The Express yesterday contacted chief executive officer of Government Information Services Ltd (GISL) Andy Johnson and enquired whether any releases were issued with respect to an acting appointment.
Johnson said no releases were issued by GISL on any acting appointment for Baker.

He added that he called the Office of the President to enquire same and was told there was no notification from the Prime Minister's Office on this.

reproduced from Trinidad Express

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