Friday, November 8, 2013

Tobago Woman Stabbed 36 Times By Brother.

FIFTY-TW0-YEAR-OLD Winston Phillips, who committed suicide after killing his sister on Monday in Tobago, had a history of mental illness and was once treated at St Ann’s Hospital in Trinidad.

An autopsy conducted at Scarborough General Hospital  Mortuary on Wednesday revealed  50-year-old Charmaine Phillips was stabbed some 36 times in the kitchen area of her home, at Providence Road near Mount Grace, by her brother, over a land dispute.

The autopsy was conducted by pathologist Dr Valery Alexandrov. And her brother died after ingesting a poisonous substance, the herbicide paraquat.

The murder-suicide occurred shortly after 5 p.m. on Monday in the presence of the 12-year-old son of Charmaine Phillips. 

The mother of one was described by neighbours as being devoted to her son and very efficient in her duties. She was employed as a housekeeper in the Mt Irvine area.

After the police were alerted to a domestic dispute, Charmaine Phillips was found on the kitchen floor with several stab wounds about her body, including the neck and stomach, with her head almost severed.
Winston Phillips was found at  the back of the house, frothing from the mouth.

He was rushed to the Scarborough hospital, where he died. A bottle containing a poisonous substance was removed from the scene.

Investigations are continuing into the tragedy. 

Funeral arrangements are yet to be made.


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