Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A Meager 46 Cents Subsidy for Premium Gas. Deceitful!

Larry Howai, Minister of Finance
In what could be the most stunning revelation of the budget debate, the Minister of Finance, Larry Howai,  told the nation that 46 cents was the subsidy given on premium gasoline. He was responding to allegations made by the Honorable Colm Imbert in parliament yesterday. Imbert accused the government of  breaking the law when it raised the price of premium gasoline to $5.75 a litre. Further he stated that Finance Minister Larry Howai acted in breach of the Petroleum Levy and Subsidy Act.

In a quick response to Imbert's allegations, Minister Howai stated that he was not aware of breaking any laws as it pertains to the subsidy. But what came out his mouth moments after took me by surprise. Howai stated that "This is the first I'm hearing of it," that is the Petroleum Levy and Subsidy Act.  Furthermore, Howai told  the motoring population and by extension the entire nation that he is informed that without the subsidy the actually price of premium gasoline would be $6.21 while the subsidized price is $5.75.

How  ironic is this, with a government boasting about saving billions from the partial removal of the subsidy.  Was this a deliberate ploy and calculated action to deceive and misguide the nation? How can the Government boast about saving millions when they informed us that only six (6) percent of the motoring population uses premium gasoline, the group of fuel with the smallest subsidy, a meager 46 cents.

The Minister must then come clean as to their real agenda in forcing the motoring public to use super gasoline. Is it a matter of creating a large strain on the Government's purse, given that super gasoline is the highest subsidize fuel. Thereby, legitimizing their proposed cut/removal of the gas subsidy. 

I continue to contend that in an oil rich country the citizens must enjoy direct benefits. Direct benefits can only be achieved at the pump and on products made.

Mr. Howai, I urge you to be careful, do not allow your self to be led by a blind master. Less you become another scapegoat for your associates. Guard your reputation, do your investigations and thoroughly examine  matters that pertains to public interest.   You need only to ask you ex-compatriot Mr. Volney how awful it is to leave the bench two years early, doing the bidding of a minority, only to be to humiliated and tossed under the bus. 

Take heed.  

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