Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tobago Man Wins with WASA

third weekly winner: Rasheed Ali
Photo courtesy Trinidadexpress
Retired electrical engineer Rasheed Ali is the third weekly winner of the Win with WASA Promotion, and the first from Tobago.

For clearing his WASA bill plus paying two billing periods in advance, Ali has won himself free water for an entire year and is now eligible to win the grand prize of a weekend family vacation for four at the Magdalena Grand Beach Resort in Tobago.

The promotion, which applies to residential/domestic customers only, runs from October 7 to December 13.

It encourages customers to pay their bills on time and in full in an effort to increase the authority’s collection stream — money which is invested in the improvement of the water supply to citizens across the country.

For more details and to keep up-to-date on the promotion, customers can check WASA’s Facebook page (WASA Trinidad & Tobago) and WASA’s Twitter page (@wasatnt).


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