Wednesday, February 27, 2013

25 Year Old Officer Cannot Recall events of Accident

The off duty 25-year-old policeman who is responsible for the death of the tragic death of the Sea Lots' mother and her two young daughters states he cannot recall the crash. On Sunday the police officer driving a brown Toyota Vehicle slammed into a crowd of people killing three (3)  and seriously injuring three (3) others (Victims Abbigail Assing, Amanda Lalla and Ryan Rampersad,) who had to be taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital. 

The officer was release on Monday from the hospital, where medical officers stated that he was lucky to be alive only suffering minor bruises and cuts about the body. however, the the victims remains hospitalized with Lalla being kept in the Intensive Care Unit with broken arms, legs and a fractured skull, Rampersad which is still in critical condition and Assing who is considered stable.

Its been three (3) days after the horrer and no word has been forth coming as to whether the officer was under the influence of alcohol when the accident happened. The CoP has stated that investigations would be fair and that a breath test was administered. 

The fatal accident triggered protests from enraged Sea Lots residents who, on Sunday, claimed police removed a half-empty bottle of whisky from the officer's vehicle, a claim police on the scene immediately denied.

On the day of the accident, police said they were forced to use tear gas and rubber bullets to quell the chaos, as residents had blocked the Beetham Highway.

The fury of the residents continued early Monday morning, as they again blocked the roads, causing massive traffic gridlock for several hours.

On the heels of the fiery protest, National Security Minister Jack Warner, acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams and Deputy Commissioner Mervyn Richardson visited Sea Lots and assured there would be no cover-up in the investigation of the officer, and that a walkover would be built at the location. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reporter Fired for Racial Facebook Statment

World Indian Network (WIN) Communications yesterday fired freelance reporter Darryl Heeralal over statements he made on Facebook regarding protest action in Sea Lots, Port of Spain, which were viewed as being racist.

After Heeralal was fired, the station's general manager, Sunil Ramdeen, called on journalists to reconsider their use of social media in their capacities as private citizens.

Heeralal, who was a freelance reporter with WIN TV on Sunday posted as his Facebook 'status' a remark that used a derogatory term for people of African origin and also incited violence against such people, as he criticised the Sea Lots community that has for the past two days staged protests and blocked the westbound lane of the Beetham Highway.

Many members of the community are outraged over the deaths Sunday of Hady Paul, 28, and her daughters, Akasha, eight and Shakira, seven, who were killed when a car, driven by an off-duty policeman, crashed into them while they were on the pavement.

Heeralal's statement quickly went 'viral' and a swell of disagreement ensued, including a war of words between political groups on the forum.

Individuals and activist groups demanded that Heeralal be disciplined and he was fired yesterday.
Heeralal issued an apology via the same forum later in the afternoon, saying:

"My statements can only be described as racist, insensitive, unfortunate, uncaring and crass. And for it I apologise, unreservedly, firstly to the people of Sea Lots, Beetham Gardens, Laventille, Maloney and also too all those who I offended by my racist and inappropriate statements."

In a telephone interview, Ramdeen said the station was "saddened" by Heeralal's actions and the event demonstrated the need for a review of the use of social media by workers in a field such as journalism. 
"This is a serious issue," Ramdeen said.

"We (journalists) don't have the luxury of disassociating ourselves from ourselves as journalists. To make a statement on social or any media, you have to know what the repercussions will be."

Ramdeen said social fora such as Facebook must be regarded as "the animal it has become" and speaking arbitrarily on such soundboards must be approached with caution.

In a statement earlier, Ramdeen said the company was shocked by Heeralal's statements, which it viewed as "a serious lack of judgment".

Ramdeen described the media's responsibility as a sacred one, moreso in an ethnically diverse country like Trinidad and Tobago.

"We believe in equality of representation by the media for all our citizens, wherever they may be, from Cedros to the Beetham, and we reaffirm ourself to those beliefs," Ramdeen stated.
"It is an affront to every employee in this company, as it is to the country as a whole, to make statements that seek to divide or condemn along lines of race. Even worse in a way that seems to incite violence against any particular race."

In his apology, Heeralal also apologised to his friends and relatives of African heritage and said his comments were meant to draw attention to "crime, urban poverty and fear in the society".

"My statements were particularly unfortunate especially coming in the midst of the sorrow, hurt and pain caused by the accident and the plight of the people of Sea Lots," Heeralal said. "I take full responsibility and accept the full consequences of my actions and again apologise to all those who have been impacted by my lack of judgment and humanity."

Commenting on Heeralal's post, Express reporter Renuka Singh wrote on Facebook on Sunday: Darryl Heeralal isn't known for diplomacy, but in this case I grudgingly agree..madness.  

Singh yesterday said in hindsight she should have been more specific in her statement as she would never condone racism and or any call for violence against any person or group of persons. She said she was sorry, adding that she was surprised that the "racist" label was applied to her.

"I should have been more specific in my comment about what I was agreeing to. My agreement was solely on the fact that, as he had said, hardworking, law abiding Africans and Indians would continue to be held ransom by rioters who will now be placated and appeased by politicians.

"While I can understand why my name and my comments are being highlighted in this situation, I can only promise to be more vigilant and responsible in my public comments in the future," she said.

The Express position regarding the professional conduct of its journalists is clearly stated in the OCM (One Caribbean Media - parent company of the Express and TV6) Statement of Editorial Principles and Operational guidelines:

"Whether on or off the job, OCM journalists are required to maintain  the standards of behaviour associated with responsible journalism including fairness and respect for all, including themselves."
The management of the Express is currently addressing the issue of Singh's Facebook post.

Source: ExpressTrinidad

Forget prayer, let’s work

Scarborough Hospital

A critical shortage of office space has been given as the reason behind a decision by General Manager (GM) for Organizational Effectiveness John Solomon to move to an area that had been designated as a chapel at the new Scarborough General Hospital in Signal Hill. Tobago. News received reports that Solomon had begun to install his office equipment in the chapel last Tuesday, creating quite a buzz among hospital workers. A well-placed source contended that medical and supporting staff face several teething problems including that of some serious space constraints, as they grapple with bringing the spanking new hospital into full operation.

The Chapel was incorporated into the plan for the hospital to provide relatives and friends of patients at the hospital an opportunity to pray for the recovery of the sick. It’s a concept that also obtains at several leading hospitals in the United States and other developed countries. Tobago News understands that one church organisation which requested to do regular prayer sessions at the chapel during the Lenten season must was also denied the opportunity.

The source also refuted claims made by a recent press release from the Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) that the hospital kitchen was now fully operational. “The kitchen is not yet up and running and we still have to transport food from the old kitchen at the fort to the new hospital,” the source insisted. Both the hot water system and the carbon dioxide system are not working,” added the source. This had been the situation from day one. The only way to fix is to shut down the system for 24 hours to allow for solvent mending of the lines. They cannot do that so the lines just keep bursting as they try to mend,” the source revealed. The new hospital became fully operational last December after a construction period of over 12 years and a whooping cost of over $750 million.

The TRHA was asked to comment on the issue. However, up to press time, there was no response from the agency tasked with managing the island’s only hospital.


Monday, February 25, 2013

$ 60,000 Monthly for Dr. London.

Dr. London, Former Secretary of Finance THA

Dr. Anslem London has rescinded his decision to bow out of public life after indicating in the recently concluded election that he was not interested to continue public service at the end of his last four-year term. However,  an article in Tobago News indicated taht Dr. London has been re-hired as an Advisor to the newly appointed Secretary of Finance Assemblyman Joel Jack,one of his juniors in his last four year term. 
This move by the current administration is consistent with patterns set previously. Charman Neil Wilson, returned  as an Advisor to the then Secretary of Tourism Oswald Williams after he had bowed out at the end of two consecutive terms as councillor and Secretary of the said division.

Wilson’s remuneration package, which was quoted in US dollars amounted to over $70 000, according to figures released in response to a question from the Minority Opposition in the House at the time.

Orville London, Chief Secretary of THA indicated to the media house that any questions to the matter should be directed to Dr. London. However, Dr London refused to comment on the matter.

The media was able to ascertain a response from Secretary of Finance, Joel Jack. Mr. Jack stated that Dr. London’s appointment was approved by the Executive Council recently, and that he was rehired as the Senior Consultant at the Division for a period of two years with effect from February 1. He indicated that  Dr. London would benefit from a monthly retainer of $60,000, which is a flat rate with no allowances attached.  According to Jack, the figure of $60,000 was recommended by HRC Consultants, a management company which specializes in Human Resources. The final figure was negotiated by the Administrator in the Division of Finance. The company, he said, indicated that the salary commensurate with Dr. London’s qualifications would be in the vicinity of $90,000 monthly.

The Secretary noted that Dr London has four university degrees, including a PhD in Economics, with specialization in Monetary Economics and International Trade and Finance and a M.Sc. in Finance and Financial Law. Dr London also has extensive experience in various fields, including development policies, banking and finance, financial law, macroeconomics, monetary economics, international trade and finance and business development.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Riot at Sealots Trinidad after Police Ran Into group killing Three


Riot at Sealots, After a police slammed into six persons killing
mother and two children and injuring others

A RIOT seems to be GROWING in Trinidad, in fact the Highway at Sealots has now been cordoned off by RIOT POLICE following the FATAL ACCIDENT where a POLICE OFFICER driving a brown Toyota Vehicle slammed into a CROWD of PEOPLE killing one woman and her two children and seriously injuring 4 others. 

The POLICE are trying to get a hold of the situation and bring it under control so that the RIOT doesn't spill over. Unconfirmed reports stated that the speeding vehicle ran into the crowd of persons who were returning from the Market.  A bottle of Johnny Walker was also allegedly seen in the vehicle, and was said to be removed by officers on the scene. It is unconfirmed whether the officer was under the influence of alcohol when the accident occurred, and police have not confirmed whether a breath test was admitted on the driver. 

'Call for Tobago boycott not affecting arrivals'

Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Secretary Orville London has said the call by some to boycott Tobago in the wake of the crushing defeat of the People's Partnership was not having an impact on the flow of Trinidadians to the sister isle.

Speaking to the media following a meeting with Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar in her Parliament office yesterday, London said: "People who have been coming to Tobago would recognise that the claims being made by those who were calling for a boycott were preposterous. I mean, if you are coming to Tobago and you are being discriminated against, you would know. Nobody has to tell you that. The people who have been coming to Tobago would know that the question of discrimination against visitors to Tobago is a ridiculous statement and position, and I don't think it has had any effect on people coming to Tobago," he said. 

Finance Minister Larry Howai and Housing Minister Roodal Moonilal were also at the meeting. 

London said, however, he was not comfortable with the role Caribbean Airlines (CAL) was playing with respect to the tourism sector. He said he indicated to Howai that CAL was using its subsidies from the Central Government to introduce predatory pricing on routes into Trinidad and Tobago, deterring foreign airlines from bringing people to Tobago.

 "So we are losing price, we using taxpayers' money to place Caribbean Airlines in a position where it can bring down the prices, deter airlines, and of course the tourism sector in Tobago is suffering," he said. 

Asked whether he raised the issue of the timely release of budgetary funds to Tobago, London said he wanted to leave pre-election issues alone. "I am convinced that was a pre-election ploy... Now the dynamics have changed, people have an opportunity to revisit their behaviour and behave differently... I want to give people the benefit of the doubt (and have them change their behaviour)... and revisiting these painful episodes would just make the healing more difficult. I did tell the Prime Minister that as long as nobody troubles me, I will trouble nobody," he said. 

On the issue of self-government, he said he recommended the THA put together a team of representatives of the political interests and technocrats from Tobago to meet with the Central Government team and come up with a common position. "All of us have agreed on the what (self-government)... it (the contention) is about the how," he said, adding that the aspect had been politicised and there was polarisation.

 "I did not get concurrence, but I did not get opposition (to my suggestion)," he said. 

He said if this process can start as soon as possible, the recommendation for two additional senators on the THA does not have to take prominence. He said if this team could hammer out an agreement in four to six months, then the new constitutional arrangements could address the issue of the additional senators. He said he had met with Hochoy Charles, who is willing to give advice, suggestions as well as criticism.

Asked whether he had spoken with Ashworth Jack, London said: "I am going to wait until things settle down. I have no objection to meeting with the TOP (Tobago Organisation of the People). But I think in all fairness to them and to myself, I should wait until things settle down before I make a formal invitation."

London said he also raised the issue of housing for Tobago. He said whereas at the national level, billions are raised for housing via bonds, etc, Tobago had to build all its houses by cash, "which is preposterous".

London also raised the issue of THA representation on State boards. He said when the Government assumed office, the THA was represented on 30 boards. Its representation was now down to five boards. "This creates an administrative challenge because boards and committees make decisions without the input of Tobago in areas where the Tobago House of Assembly has control and responsibility such as the TDC, NCC, Port Authority," he said.

London congratulated the President-elect Anthony Carmona as well as the new Prime Minister of Grenada (Keith Mitchell), "who has a similar problem to me", and the Prime Minister of Barbados.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tobago Population revealed at launch of Census Demographic Report by the CSO

The Population of Tobago is now at the highest it has even been, this was revealed at the launched of the 2011 National Population and Housing Census Demographic Report last Tuesday. The Central Statistical Office (CSO) under the auspices of the Ministry of Planing and Sustainable Development revealed that the population of Tobago stands at 60,874.  This is a 1.1 percent population growth experienced by the island within Intercensal dates (every 10 years). 

The last recorded population of Tobago was recorded as 54,084 persons in 2000.  It took the CSO a record breaking 18 months to publish this data. Highlights of the report showed that the growth rate experienced by Tobago is consistent with that of Trinidad, which showed that the population growth is slowing considerably. For Tobago, the Parish of St. George experienced the highest growth rate per annum while the Parish of St. John would have experienced a negative decline. Further, the data revealed that Tobago is comprised of 85.2 percent Africans, 8.5 percent Mixed and 2.54 percent Indian. However, nationally although both Africans and Indians have declined, Indians remain the dominant minority group 35.4 percent followed by Africans 34.2 percent with Mixed being 22.8 percent. 

Most of the data presented would have been aggregated data comprising of both Trinidad and Tobago figures. The CSO must in the near future work on a publication that would have Tobago specific data which would be most welcomed by Planners and Policy makers of the Tobago House of Assembly. 

The speakers at the Launch were the Minister of Planning and Sustainable Development, Senator, Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Dr. Philomen Harrion, Project Drirector, Regional Statistics CARICOM, Ms. Aurara Noguera-Ramkissoon, UNFPA and Mr. Dave Clement the out going Director of Statistic.  Dignitaries present included Minister of Education, Dr. Tim Goopesingh and Secretary for Settlement and Labour within the THA Huey Cadette. 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tobago hotels get big Carnival boost

Hotels and guest houses did well during the Carnival 2013 season and will continue that trend during the post-Carnival cooldown period. This is from president of the Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association Nicholas Hardwicke in an e-mail response to the T&T Guardian. Hardwicke said that during the Carnival season, occupancy levels for mainstream hotels and guest houses were in excess of 70 per cent with some hotels even being filled to capacity. 

“But this will decrease significantly in a week to ten days’ time once the Carnival cooldown subsides,” he added. Hardwicke said Tobago hotels generally fill up four to five days before Carnival Monday and Tuesday with visitors from Trinidad who do not wish to participate in the festivities. He said immediately after Carnival there is an even bigger influx of visitors that comes for the post-Carnival cooldown.

He said there was a good mix or foreigners and Trinidadian visitors in hotels. He said foreigners tend to favour the larger hotels and villas whereas visitors from Trinidad generally stay at guest houses, self-catered apartments and smaller hotels. He also said hotels also saw greater number of families visiting from the UK since this Carnival coincided with school half-term holidays in the UK. 

Hardwicke said Tobago should see another sizeable influx of visitors during the Easter period and again in late April for the Tobago Jazz Experience. In a telephone interview with the T&T Guardian, general manager of the Magdalena Grand Beach Resort Vince Angelo said the hotel experienced the expected number of visitors during and after the Carnival 2013 season. He said the biggest visitor arrival days were between February 9 and February 11 and it has been very busy since. 

He said the weekend before Carnival Monday and Tuesday, many families came to the hotel to get away from the hectic atmosphere in Trinidad. Now, in the post-Carnival period, Angelo said visitors include Trinidadians as well as tourists from the UK and Europe. He said Trinidadians at the hotel are using this time to kick back and take it easy after the days of partying and revelry. Rooms in the hotel were also booked for weddings over the weekend.

General manager of Kariwak Village Allan Clovis told the T&T Guardian that the number of visitors to the hotel was no different from any other year. He said rooms as the hotel were full prior to and during the Carnival season. Clovis said during this the post-Carnival cooldown period, there is a mixture of visitors to the hotel from Trinidad as well as tourists from other countries.

Leslie Amedee, general manger of Turtle Beach Tobago, said in a telephone interview that during the Carnival season the hotel did very well in terms of occupancy. He said occupancy levels were around 90 per cent during Carnival and he expected them to drop to around 45 per cent by the end of February. Amedee said the hotel is now preparing to accommodate Easter visitors. At present there are not many Trinidadians staying at the hotel.

He said around this time, the hotel houses many conference and business groups, retreat groups and couples.


German couple still traumatised after Pigeon Point accident

A German couple who suffered an attack at the hands of a cutlass wielding bandit is still traumatised months after the dreaded event at Pigeon Point Resort. The incident occurred on November 22 last year and the couple was visiting Tobago for the first time.

According to a police report obtained by this newspaper, the two foreigners, Bernd Haaf and his wife Ilona Fischer, had just left the jetty at the popular resort and were on bicycles when they were attacked by a man with a 'Rasta hairstyle' who alighted from bushes and accosted them. "The man then took the cutlass and cut the victim's blue and grey knapsack which he was wearing at the time and which contained one cannon digital camera valued 200 Euros, a pair of binoculars, two pairs of sunglasses, a USB stick and a red jersey," the report stated.

The man swung the cutlass and dealt seventy-one year-old Haaf a blow to his left hand before escaping through nearby bushes. Haaf sustained injury to his left thumb finger which was completely severed in the process. He was subsequently treated at the Scarborough Hospital and discharged.

Speaking with Tobago News from their home in Germany, his wife explained that because the thumb could not be rescued, her husband will be disabled in all his activities in future. "He still suffers pain and can hardly use his left hand. This was our first trip to Tobago – it should be a paradise - but our holidays ended after only three days with a nightmare and we are still traumatised by this terrible incident changing our life in a negative way," she lamented.

She said, since the attack, the have been suffering from depressions, panic attacks and disordered sleep.

The couple was however, grateful for assistance received from Brett Kenny of Radical Sports as well as Nicolas Hardwicke of the Tobago Hotel Association and Sandra Hendrickson of the Division of Tourism in securing the next possible return flight to Germany.
"In this connection, we would like to point out that we paid an entrance fee for entering the park and thought that we are safe in this area, the more so as there was a barrier at the entrance and security staff. But it was not safe enough," the victim noted.
Tobago News tried to could not ascertain if any arrests has been made in relation to the case but was unsuccessful.


The Lalonde Gordon Sports Fund

Double Olympic bronze medalist, Lalonde Gordon.

The Lalonde Gordon Sports Fund will be launched next month. The foundation was established to honour the 2012 double Olympic bronze medalist, Tobago born Lalonde Gordon.

"We're now in Tobago at a state where we have to create programmes to ensure that we develop our athletes and our young people," Secretary of the Division of Education, Youth Affairs and Sport (DEYAS) Councillor Gary Melville disclosed at Wednesday's Post Executive Council media briefing (February 13, 2013).

"Today the Executive Council would have processed the mechanism to operationalise the Fund," Melville said.

In August, following the 2012 London Olympics, THA Chief Secretary Orville London made the commitment to establish the Fund. It was created in honour of Gordon's double bronze achievement in the men's 400 metres and 4x400 metres relay during the Olympics.

Melville said the THA would provide $1million each year to the Fund and was hoping that corporate citizens and those who would have benefited from sports awards would make cash contributions. The Fund would be used to develop coaches, athletes and athletes.

"The primary purpose of the fund if to develop athletes, coaches, officials and volunteer administrators," Melville said. "We want to enhance the development of sport participation in Tobago, especially at the elite level."

Melville said the Fund is an opportunity for all major participants in sports in Tobago "to access training and further development."

Melville indicated that DEYAS was working to set up a Funding Request Assessment Committee and launch the Fund next month. The programme will incorporate a centralised funding effort that provides support to sport organizations and individual athletes. "We will contact Mr Gordon as to his availability and various members of the private sector for support."

DEYAS Secretary said the THA would contribute $1 million annually to the Fund.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

No Hot Water at New Scarborough Hospital

Image of the front of the New Scarborough Hospital

Patients at the new Scarborough Hospital are being asked to shower with cold water since no hot water is available in the wards. A patient at the maternity ward contacted Tobago News last week Friday and informed this newspaper that only cold–water baths are possible at the facility. “I am accustomed bathing with luke-warm water; it was tough for me to bathe with the cold water, this is unacceptable after millions of dollars were spent,” the new mother stated.

Tobago News understands that the situation is one that has been plaguing the new facility for some time now. “I would like the TRHA and the Division of Health to explain why this situation exists and why it is taking so long to be rectified,” she cried.

The Tobago News reached out to the Secretary of Health and Social Services Claudia Groome-Duke and informed her of our knowledge of the no-hot-water issue. The Secretary directed us to the Tobago Regional Health Authority Board, the autonomous body responsible for the operations of the hospital.

On Thursday, Chairman of the Board Jennifer Brown and Chief Executive Officer Paula Cumberbatch of TRHA were contacted on the matter. Brown responded to our calls later in the evening. She did not confirm or deny if there was indeed an issue with the hot water at the hospital and wondered who our sources were. The chairman asked that this newspaper contact TRHA by email for a response.

In response to our query, the THRA sent a press release indicating that due to an issue detected in the plumbing system, the wards at the Scarborough General Hospital are without hot water. “However, demands for hot water on the wards are being met. NIPDEC is urgently working to address the issue. We would like to note that the Scarborough General Hospital is still under the Defects Liability Period and as such NIPDEC has full responsibility to address any teething issues that may occur in the new facility,” the release stated.

The release did not state how soon the situation would be rectified or if the problem is restricted to wards or the entire hospital.

Meanwhile, the TRHA also stated in its release that the hospital kitchen is now fully functional. “All patient meals are now prepared at the Scarborough General Hospital’s kitchen by our dietary staff. The installation of new equipment continues, to bring the kitchen to its full capacity,” the release indicated.


Randolph Burroughs Most Notorious Commissioner of TnT

For the young who may not be familiar with the infamous name Randolph Burroughs allow us to paint a picture of the so called legend. 

Randolph Urich Burroughs
Former Police Commissioner 1978-1987
Randolph Burroughs has probably been Trinidad and Tobago's most radical Police Commissioner who operated during the period of 1978 to 1987. He was known for his fearless stance against criminal elements and was said to have criminals on the run during his 16 year period of power. It was Burroughs who led one of the most notorious covert group called the "Flying Squad", a group of police officers who virtually operated as a law unto  themselves, answerable to no one.  His successes, though questionable, along with officers of the Flying Squad were able to secure folk-hero status with their crime fighting exploits. Raffique Shah, newspaper columnist and former senior army officer recall that in Burroughs heyday, "Criminals were cut down like ninepins. Many innocent people also fell victims to that "death squad", and many more were "framed" and charged and went on to serve time in jail for crimes they knew nothing about." 

Born from the brainchild of Dr. Eric Williams, the Flying Squad was formed in the 1970's in wake of the Black Power uprising. The squad went on to subdue the National Union of Freedom Fighters (NUFF), a group which seemed devoted to sparking national unrest. Many members of the squad were equally famous as the then top cop. Mervyn Cordner, Cecil Carrington, Rudolph Leach, Lance Lashley, Michael Lambert, Thomas Cunningham, and Gilbert Reyes were among the officers who frequently made the news for their encounters with criminals. In those days, most often than not, criminals or suspects were always on the losing end, being captured in some dramatic fashion, or dying in what was always described as "an exchange of gunfire". Their achievements were legendary and Burroughs, knowing his way around the media, kept headlining the daily's. 

To this day, many are convinced that Mr Burroughs was the most effective crime-fighter  Trinidad and Tobago has ever seen.  One writer concluded that based on the evidence regularly published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television back then, it was hard to believe otherwise. 

At crime scenes, photographers would arrive in time to capture images of Mr Burroughs standing over the body of some dead robbery or drug-trafficking suspect. The official story would be that he had led the exercise, ensuring that one more criminal was off the streets. However, it all came crashing down for him with the release of the controversial Scott Drug Report in 1986, released by the then National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR) government headed by Prime Minister ANR Robinson. This Scott Drug Report implicated 52 police officers among them the "Almighty Randolph Burroughs" Police Commissioner. The Flying Squad was disbanded and Mr Burroughs was suspended, arrested and charged with conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to traffic cocaine.

Evidence from secret witnesses and reams of written statements indicated high-level corruption and collusion being rampant and entrenched in the police service and across the political, economic and security hierarchies.  Many officers of the Flying Squad were described as a virtual law unto themselves and 52 of them were also suspended from duty. 

After being charged with conspiracy to traffic cocaine at Carli Bay, Couva, the State’s evidence was secured from Cuthbert “Scotty” Charles, an underworld figure who claimed he saw Burroughs supervising the offloading of a shipment of cocaine at Carli Bay. Burroughs was eventually cleared of that charge. Later, he was charged with conspiracy to murder two wanted men at Lady Young Road, Morvant. He was committed to stand trial, but the case fell apart before Justice Jean Permanand in the Port-of-Spain High Court in 1987. 

Although he (Burroughs) was acquitted, his credibility was in shambles and Burroughs was merely a shadow of his former self. He eventually took early retirement and died on October 9, 1996. It is said that Burroughs died of a broken heart over the ungrateful treatment he got from a country he risked his life for. With the upsurge in criminal activity, citizens ironically wish they had Randolph Burroughs around today, Francis wrote in a newspaper column on the various problems plaguing the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

For Burroughs, having rose through the ranks from mechanic, then chauffeur, to the highest rank in the police service a legendary crime fighter, his end was described as inglorious and disgraceful. 

Two years subsequent to the court cases against Burroughs, members of the Flying Squad were recalled to duty. However, all did not returned. Some took early retirement, while others worked until the retirement age with two achieving the rank of assistant commissioner of police. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stop Milshirv Project

call for stay: Attorneys Lesley Lucky-Samaroo, left,
and Martin George leave the Hall of Justice yesterday
after a hearing in the judicial review filed
 against the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) by the Attorney General
ATTORNEYS representing Attorney General Anand Ramlogan in the judicial review filed against the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) are seeking to have the $143 million Milshirv THA Administration Complex project halted until the matter is determined by the court.
At the first case management conference before Justice James Aboud, in the High Court at the Hall of Justice in Port of Spain, yesterday, lead attorney for the Attorney General Alvin Fitzpatrick SC made an oral application to the court for a stay of implementation of the THA's decision to enter into the build-own-lease-transfer (BOLT) agreement.
The Express learned the application was resisted by attorney Douglas Mendes SC, lead attorney for Milshirv Properties Ltd, and attorney Kerwin Garcia, who along with Stuart Young is being led by Senior Counsel John Jeremie, instructed by Kahaya Nanhu, on behalf of the THA.
Mendes and Garcia told the court that such an application should properly be made in writing and not orally.
Aboud gave directions for the filing and serving of affidavits and adjourned the matter to April 23.
First Citizens bank was granted leave to join as an interested party to the proceedings. The bank is being represented by attorneys Fyard Hosein SC and Rishi Dass, instructed by Vanessa Mohammed.
On January 13, permission was granted to the Attorney General to challenge the THA's power and authority to enter into deals such as the Milshirv contract.
Questions about the $250 million Bacolet Aquatic Centre and Indoor Sport Complex, and the Milshirv THA Administration Complex in Shirvan Park were raised by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar during the budget debate last October.
Persad-Bissessar called for the projects to be halted pending investigations and instructed Finance Minister Larry Howai to conduct an audit.
Saying he welcomed the probe, Milshirv Properties Ltd director Joseph Rahael said the BOLT arrangement was above board and transparent. His view was supported by THA Chief Secretary Orville London.
Also representing the Attorney General are attorneys Lesley Lucky-Samaroo and Martin George, instructed by Kerri Ann Olivierie.
Milshirv is also being represented by attorney Michael Quamina, instructed by Imran Ali.

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

FITUN: Minister George in breach of trust

Minister of Works, Emmanuel George
WORKS Minister Emmanuel George yesterday stood accused of misleading the public with statements Thursday that the report on the extension of the Solomon Hochoy Highway to Point Fortin was in favour of Government going ahead with the project.
The Federation of Independent Trade Unions (FITUN), a member of the Highway Report led by the Joint Consultative Committee (JCC), in a media statement yesterday said George — and by extension the Government — had committed a "grave breach of trust" in speaking publicly on the document before time.
George made a blanket statement during Thursday's post-Cabinet press conference that the report's only reprimand stemmed from the State's poor approach to civil society in carrying out projects of that magnitude.
The report, in fact, advises that if Government decides to proceed, major shortcomings in the assessment of the social, environmental and economic impact of the project must first be resolved.
George also broke an embargo imposed by the JCC that the report or its details were not to be released until noon yesterday, when it was said the report would be published on the JCC's website.
"The Federation of Independent Trade Unions and Non Governmental Organisations would like to publicly condemn the obscene political spin that the Minister of Works, Mr Emmanuel George, has attempted to engage in with respect to the Report of the Independent Review Committee that was set up to look at the contentious issues surrounding the Debe to Mon Desir Link of the Highway to Point Fortin," stated FITUN.
"We feel compelled to say to the public that the Minister was very economical with the truth when he stated that the Highway Review Committee gave the go-ahead for the Debe to Mon Desir Link of the Highway.
"From the Report that we have read, it is pellucidly clear that there was never any statement by the Committee to that effect.
"FITUN would also like to condemn the Minister and by extension the Government for committing a grave breach of trust. We recall that there was an understanding by all parties involved in the process that the report would be first submitted to NIDCO for its attention and parties were to refrain from making any public statements on the contents of the report before it was published by the JCC.
"As far as FITUN is concerned, all other parties held firm to their side of the agreement with the exception of the Government."
FITUN said it was also concerned that an attempt to mislead the population was made immediately after a Cabinet meeting, suggesting that George's views reflected those of the entire Cabinet.
The report was to be withheld until procedural issues are sorted out between the JCC and the National Infrastructure Development Company (Nidco).
"We thought that after all the previous governance blunders, that on such an important issue as the Highway Reroute Review Committee Report, that the Government would have at least learnt its lesson," FITUN said.
"But it seems that once again, the Government has destroyed whatever remnants of trust that the population has left for them after a series of missteps and apparent acts of deception."
FITUN said it will not allow the Government, through "political grandstanding", to destroy the commendable work of civil society and the group that produced the report.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Tobago Mas Men Unhappy

Yesterday some of Tobago bandleaders vented their frustration over the horrid organisation and judging of the Carnival bands in Tobago. The Tobago Carnival Bands Association has now called on the Tobago House of Assembly's Chief Secretary to intervene in this Band of the Year results controversy. 

The Carnival Bands Association noted that persons judging the events were not qualified to do so as they did not have the slightest clue as to what they should be doing or examining. Many of the Band leaders also noted they had to repay the Commission the grant issued for Carnival because the commission stationed persons during the Carnival to count how many persons were in the Band. For the monies given the Commission demanded at least 20 persons in the various Bands.

The Tobago bandleaders has therefore called for the resignation of the Festival Committee in wake of the Band of the Year results. In wake of all this, the Tobago Festival Commission says it will investigate the Band of the Year results.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Warrant to be issued over 'forced oral sex'

A WARRANT is to be issued today for a Marabella man who allegedly forced his neighbour to perform oral sex on him.
Police said the attack, involving the 52-year-old suspect, occurred on Monday, when he asked the victim to assist him to move furniture. When the victim entered the home, police said, he was beaten and indecently assaulted.
Police said the victim told them the suspect took photographs of the sexual acts and warned the victim not to tell anyone of the incident.
However, the victim reported the matter to the Marabella Police Station. —SM

reproduced from Trinidadexpress

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Super Blue, Road March Winner 2013

Super, Super, Super, the results are out the people have chosen. Austin "Super Blue" Lyons is the new 2013 Road March winner, beating his closest rival by several miles.  Bands crossing the stage played his song "Fantastic Friday" a total of 511 times Monday and Tuesday.  This is Super Blue’s 9th Road Monarch title.

Super blue made his heroic return to the art form after more than 10 years. Last Friday the soca king had to  shared the 2013 Power Soca Monarch title with Machel Montano. Mantona who yesterday said that the race for road march seems to be a close one had to settle for second as his song "Float" was on played a meager 56 times. Super Blue has now dethroned Montano who won last year’s Road March title with “Pump Yuh Flag”.

Belle Garden beauty takes Queen Crown

Windward (Tobago) Afro Queen winner
 Kimberly Sergeant, centre, strikes a regal pose after being crowned
and is flanked by runner-up Alana Tobias, left,
 and Jevorn Richardson on Saturday night in Roxborough.
Kimberly Sergeant, representing Belle Garden was crowned Windward (Tobago) Afro Queen on Saturday. The beauty won the coveted title from a field of seven other contestants in the 44th edition of the competition staged by the Windward Carnival Development Committee in collaboration with the Tobago Festivals Committee at the Cyd Gray Sporting Complex in Roxborough.  
Sergeant paraded a unique emsemble designed by veteran African wear designer Jessy Taylor titled Wah Nuh Wrap So Tie So and she also copped the award for best cultural wear. Placing second was Alana Tobias, of Goodwood, who took the Best Carnival Wear Segment. In the third spot was Jevorn Richardson of Castara, who was also adjudged the Best Casual Wear.

In the Windward Calypso Monarch segment, Dillon Thomas “Dilly Suede” stole the show with his calypso For a Crown in which he highlighted  several dishonest acts which he said artistes in the calypso and soca industry are willing to do to win a crown. Thomas edged out his sister Nicole into second place with her song Show me a Way. Her calypso was a serious and emotional piece, as she expounded on the many trials and tribulations affecting the country including gun violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse and drug abuse. 

Singing in the form of a prayer she asked God to show her a way. As a customer service representative of Republic Bank by day, Thomas paid tribute to her co-worker Burlinda Solomon-Sobers who was a victim of a murder suicide last December. In third place was Kenneth Thomas aka “Puncheon” with Gynaecologist. His song was a double entendre and spoke of the private practice of a gynaecologist, the anomalies that occur and the different types of clients he faces at his office which usually starts at “4.30.” The humorous piece was well-received by the patrons. The show was dubbed a success by Dr Denise Tsoiafatt-Angus, secretary for Community Development and Culture.

Reproduced from Guardian Trinidad

Families still in shock over Fatal Car Accident

Fatal Car Accident in Tobago, Claiming Five Lives 
The families of the five persons who perished in Sunday's two-car smash-up along the Claude Noel Highway at Spring Garden, in the vicinity of the Orange Hill Gas Station, were still in shock on Monday.

Cuthbert Daniel, brother of Stephenson Winchester, wept openly when the Express visited his brother's home at Piccadilly, Signal Hill.

Daniel said he and his brother were close and he would be terribly missed.

"Since the incident I have not eaten, I do not know what to do," he said crying. "We are waiting to see what will happen now. Relatives are to arrive from Trinidad to assist in funeral arrangements."

The family of Christon Stewart also remained in shock, while in Buccoo, Rashel Murray, daughter of Alloy Duke, is trying to pick up the pieces as her father had not yet seen his granddaughter, who is only 15 days old.

"A relative told me my dad died in the accident. I was shocked because he had not seen his granddaughter and this was something I wanted to fulfill. I am studying at this time in Trinidad and not sure whether I want to return to Tobago to be with the family," Murray said.

Five Tobagonians died in the accident at Spring Garden—Alloy Duke, of Buccoo; Fernando Stewart, of Mt. Grace; Christon Stewart, of Patience Hill; Anesta Hamilton-Williams of Patience Hill; and Stephenson Winchester of Signal Hill.

Sergeant Samuel Morrison of Scarborough Traffic Branch is spearheading investigations

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

'Tobago needs a new airport, not patchwork'

ANR Robinson Airport Tobago

This is not what Tobago wants or deserves.
That is the view of Diana Hadad, a member of the Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce, on upgrades at ANR Robinson International Airport in Crown Point.
Her comments were made following a stakeholders' press conference on Wednesday at Coco Reef Resort in Store Bay.
A new ANR Robinson International Airport for Tobago is what stakeholders of the tourism industry are crying out for, said Hadad, but their cries have fallen on deaf ears as the Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago instead announced planned refurbishment works to the 30-year-old facility.
Hadad said the works were rushed and not what stakeholders wanted.
"We need a new facility and we don't need patching and fixing. Patching and fixing is what will take us through a short period of time, but I am not seeing the vision," said Hadad.
Kurt Ajodha, deputy chairman of the Airports Authority, said while the aim was to build a new airport for the long term, in the short term the Authority must be economical and efficient.
"We can't go and spend a lot of money to make a new facility not just in the short term, so in our short and medium term what we choose to do is renovate this facility in order to accommodate an increase in international passengers," Ajodha said.
No figure could be provided on the cost of repair work.
Nicholas Hardwicke, president of the Hotel and Tourism Association in Tobago, said while much more was needed at this time, the necessary repairs were better late than never.
"It's the start of a process and we would like to see them move to complete it as quickly as possible, so we can move onto the next stage, which is the expansion of the arrival and departure baggage claim facilities," said Hardwicke.
Within the next few weeks repairs are to commence on the roof, with modifications to the check-in counters and first class lounge departure and arrival halls.
All short-term projects are to be integrated with long-term design, construction and modification plans.
Repairs are being conducted by Zycovich Architects and Lee Young and Partners.

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

TOP's political "licking" stars in San Fernando Jouvert

THE Tobago Organisation of the People's (TOP) failure to secure a
single seat in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) election, was the
main topic at this year's Jouvert celebrations in San Fernando yesterday.

People's National Movement (PNM) candidate Hilton Sandy's
controversial "Calcutta" statement and allegations related to an
alleged incident between San Fernando Mayor Dr Navi Muradali
and his girlfriend, were also popular portrayals.

Large crowds gathered at Harris Promenade, San Fernando, long before Muradali declared the proceedings open at 6.25 a.m.
San Fernando West Member of Parliament Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan wished patrons a safe Carnival.

But it was not until 20 minutes later that spectators got a glimpse of the first individual to cross the main judging point.
Tyrone Nanan portrayed "Me Pad-nah ship", as he tugged along a yellow boat behind him.
He was followed by the first band, D' Playboys, which delivered a presentation of politics and social issues.

The masqueraders portrayed "Ah gone blind looking for leadership", "Ah map from London,
De broom from Tobago...It's a clean sweep" and "Machel New Cell #1800 Lock Up". Defending champions, De Blue Boys, led by Dave Ramsingh presented "Happiness Killing We".

The band has been in existence for the past 30 years and have been winners of the San Fernando Old Mas competition on several occasions with their many creative portrayals.

The band presented 43 individuals including "Calcutta Ahoy", "Tim Gopeeson put up ah stall - Hot Doubles, plenty pepper and planass", "De Mayor have me love struck", "Volney begging for his job back", Max Ready to change", "London Real Ha-Pee", "Kamla Topless in Tobago", "Mach-L and Kern-L sharing ah cell" and "Sandy foils the Calcutta invasion".

The band's presentation for Queen of J'ouvert was titled "Verna Farce - I in charge of the Cabinet....My Cabinet of Substance Made Me Queen". Masquerader Sheila Jackson portrayed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar with liquor cabinet attached to her back.

De Blue Boys king portrayal was titled "Rowley Ready to be Prime Minister".

Oma Panday, wife of former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday, was among the masqueraders. The pan competition was also judged at Harris Promenade, with San City Steel Symphony and Junior Sammy Group of Companies Skiffle Steel Orchestra among the early participants.

Mayor Muradali along with several San Fernando City Corporation councillors, joined San City Steel Symphony on stage during their presentation of Lord Kitchener's "Iron Man".

Muradali said funding for Carnival celebrations in San Fernando this year was $2 million, a 100 per cent increase. And he promised that winners of the competitions held in San Fernando would receive increased cash prizes.

Muradali said for the first time in many years, Carnival bands would be judged at Skinner Park, San Fernando.

Security was tight at the four judging points - Harris Promenade, High Street, Coffee Street and at the National Academy for Performing Arts (NAPA) south campus.

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

TOP in Sando Jouvert

The failure of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) to secure a single seat in last month's Tobago House of Assembly (THA) election was the main topic at this year's Jouvert celebrations in San Fernando on Monday morning.
People's National Movement (PNM) candidate Hilton Sandy's controversial "Calcutta" statement and allegations that San Fernando Mayor Dr Navi Muradali abused a female companion were also popular portrayals.
Large crowds gathered at Harris Promenade, San Fernando, long before Muradali declared the proceedings open at 6.25 a.m.
San Fernando West Member of Parliament Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan wished patrons a safe Carnival. But it was not until 20 minutes later that spectators got a glimpse of the first individual to cross the main judging point.
Tyrone Nanan portrayed "Me Pad-nah ship" as he tugged along a yellow boat behind him.
He was followed by the first band, D'Playboys, which delivered a presentation of politics and social issues.
The masqueraders portrayed "Ah gone blind looking for leadership", "Ah map from London, De broom from Tobago ...It's a clean sweep" and "Machel New Cell #1800 Lock Up".
Defending champions De Blue Boys, led by Dave Ramsingh, presented Happiness Killing We.
The band has been in existence for the past 30 years and won the San Fernando Old Mas competition on several occasions with its many creative portrayals.
The champs presented 43 individuals, including "Calcutta Ahoy", "Tim Gopeeson put up ah stall—Hot Doubles, plenty pepper and planass", "De Mayor have me love struck", "Volney begging for his job back", "Max Ready to change", "London Real Ha-Pee", "Kamla Topless in Tobago", "Mach-L and Kern-L sharing ah cell" and "Sandy foils the Calcutta invasion".
The band's presentation for queen of Jouvert was titled "Verna Farce —I in charge of the Cabinet... My Cabinet of Substance Made Me Queen".
Masquerader Sheila Jackson portrayed Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar with a liquor cabinet attached to her back.
De Blue Boys king portrayal was titled "Rowley Ready to be Prime Minister".
Oma Panday, wife of former prime minister Basdeo Panday, was among the masqueraders.
The pan competition was also judged on the Promenade, with San City Steel Symphony and Junior Sammy Group of Companies' Skiffle Steel Orchestra among the early participants.
Mayor Muradali, along with several San Fernando City Corporation councillors, joined San City Steel Symphony on stage during its presentation of Lord Kitchener's "Iron Man".
Muradali said funding for Carnival celebrations in San Fernando this year was $2 million, a 100 per cent increase. And he promised that winners of the competitions held in San Fernando would receive increased cash prizes.
The mayor said for the first time in many years, Carnival bands would be judged at Skinner Park, San Fernando.
Security was tight at the four judging points —Harris Promenade, High Street, Coffee Street and at the National Academy for Performing Arts (NAPA) south campus.

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

Tobago bands bring flavour to the stage

More than 20 bands— small, medium and large—crossed the stage in Scarborough on Carnival Tuesday, in a sea of colour and creativity.

Revellers danced and pranced yesterday to the music of Austin "SuperBlue" Lyons, along with the spectators who came out in their numbers, to enjoy the final day of Carnival 2013. The popular choice was SuperBlue's "Fantastic Friday".

Among the bands to parade before the judges was Lue Ann Melville and Associates with her presentation of A Taste of Tobago.

This band was one of the large bands to cross the stage, with sections including the Spirit of the Reef, Drums of Freedom, and the Guardian of the Rain Forest.

Melville said while the making of a Carnival band is an expensive one, she has no regrets.
"I will always continue with my mas as long as God gives me health and strength," she said.
Other bands included Lindy Melville and Associates and her presentation of Precious Gems, which included the Tiger's Eyes' bright yellow feathers which fluttered before the judges, along with other fun colours of purple and peach.

There was also Trinbago Flavours by Sandra Gopaul, with some of the tasty food Tobago is famous for, including the ever-popular crab and dumpling.
Activities continued into the night with traditional mas and the senior band of the day.

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Machel Super Blue Slug it out for Road March

AS if to mirror the outcome of the results of the 2013 Soca Monarch Competition on Fantastic Friday, in which Austin "SuperBlue" Lyons and Machel Montano tied for first place, most of the bands crossing the stage at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain, yesterday chose "Fantastic Friday" and "Float" as their songs of choice.
In fact the trend was started by Bliss—the very first major band to put in an appearance at 11.30 a.m. with its presentation Savage Beauty. Its DJ first played SuperBlue's "Fantastic Friday" followed by Machel's "Float".
Another large band, Tribe, quickly followed with its presentation Butterflies, Beasts and Bacchanal. Its first song of choice was "Float" but it too jumped and waved to "Fantastic Friday".
The majority of the masqueraders, as is customary on a Carnival Monday, opted not to wear their full costumes and made little, if any, effort to get in a section. Most of them were clad in costumes specifically designed to be worn on day one of the revelry.
The situation was different with the traditional mas players from bands such as the Chinese Minstrells Band, the Original Jab Jab Band, Vintage People with its fancy Indian presentation Satinka—Magical Dancer, Belmont Original Stylish Sailors with Under D Big Top, Tribal Connection Cultural Promotion with Visions of Crazy Horse and Touch D Sky Jumbies with Mokos of Rebellion.
Although moving quickly across the stage, the masqueraders savoured the moment most of them were preparing for.
Among the other bands parading before the judges and a sparsely populated North and Grand Stands were Wee International's Magnifique...Earth's Most Colourful Creatures, Genesis' Mirror Mirror Who is The...Spice Carnival Band Ltd with Let's Dance and Island People Mas/Spirit International with Re-Humanize.
Defending champion in the Medium category The Word and Associates, more popularly called "the Catholic band", crossed the stage at around 1.15 p.m. with its presentation Leviticus and it too chipped to Fantastic Friday.
By 3 p.m. 21 bands had already made their way across the stage and on to the other judging points around the city of Port of Spain. 

Reproduced from Trinidadexpress

Monday, February 11, 2013

Phase II takes pan title

Petrotrin Phase II Pan Groove won the National Panorama Finals 2013 for medium and large steelbands on Saturday evening at the Grand Stand, Queen's Park Savannah.
Competing in the large band category, Phase II of Hamilton Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain retained its lead from the semi- final round of the competition and defeated the nine other bands in their category with a fantastic performance.
The competition had begun promptly at 7 p.m. with 10 steelbands performing in the medium category in the first half of the competition. But it was to be a long night of steelpan music.
It was just on 2.39 a.m. when arranger Len 'Boogsie" Sharpe gave the count for his composition "More Love" which features vocals by calypsonian Leroy Calliste 'Black Stalin'.
From the very first note Phase II was heard loud and clear and for eight minutes and eight seconds, maestro Sharpe conducted his band through this most unique arrangement, delivering a lovely, loving performance.
The arrangement does not depend on dazzling chromatic runs, but rather simplicity and if you will, logic and a display of sheer musical excellence. After the performance, Sharpe described the work of the players as "boss". He also fulfilled the promise he'd made after the semi-finals, which was that he would win Panorama.
Phase II's players delivered all the love that Sharpe asked of them and it was no surprise that the North and Grand Stands erupted with more of the same. After the performance newly crowned Soca Monarch SuperBlue (Austin Lyons) was seen onstage congratulating Sharpe. SuperBlue commented that he had really pulled it off.
Yesterday Sharpe told the Express that the victory was dedicated to the memory of his friend and long standing member of Phase II Franklyn Olliviere who died suddenly last year. Ollivere had been Sharpe's right hand man. Sharpe also thanked captain Ronnie Howard, manager Errol Skerrett, drill masters Natasha Joseph and Gary Padmore, the tuners and sponsors for making it possible.
Most of all he thanked Black Stalin for the lyrics of "More Love" and said it had been a pleasure working with the five-time Calypso Monarch and arranger Leston Paul.
"I wanted to do something different, for years we have been doing it one way. I want people to hear the music. The pan is out there now and we have to do things that the world would understand and recognise; we still trying to get the instrument to be accepted international," Sharpe said.
Phase II increased their lead in the semi-finals from one point to five points; this time around their nearest rival was defending champions Neal &Massy Trinidad All Stars with 278 points.
After being given a rousing welcome by the audience, All Stars gave an energetic performance. Their rendition of Leon 'Smooth' Edwards' arrangement of "Bounce and Drive" was not interrupted by an earthquake that rocked Trinidad while they were on stage. Once again, however, Neal &Massy Trinidad All Stars has been denied the hat trick of wins in Panorama.
BP Renegades pulled out all stops to produce a game wining rendition of Duvonne Stewart's arrangement of "Shock Attack". Their presentation included white satin-clad moko jumbies towering about 30 feet in the air. Perhaps it was not the music but the theatrics which took something away from their performance to put them in third position with 275 points.
Dressed in gold and black Republic Bank Exodus looked solid but actually lost one point from their semi final score coming up fourth with 271 for their performance of Pelham Goddard's arrangement of "Gold".
Junior Sammy Group Skiffle placed fifth with 270 points; four more than their semi final score and this time around the players seemed to understood the song they were playing and executed Ray Holman's arrangement of his own composition "Supna-the Dream" with confidence.
Much was expected of Witco Desperadoes as the audience gave them a warm welcome and David Rudder sang a verse of his classic "Hammer" bringing some nostalgia to the stage and memories of the late bandleader Rudolph Charles before their arranger ace musician Robbie Greenidge gave the count.
They too presented sweet music, very jazzy and characteristic of the musical style of the arranger and deserved the applause they received for their execution of Greenidge's arrangement of "Hammer Time". Desperadoes received 268 points tying for sixth with CAL Invaders.
Invaders performed Arddin Herbert's arrangement of his own composition "Dat is Lie".
PCS Silver Stars had opened the performances in the large band category and many felt they set the standard for the rest of the big bands to measure up. The band looked very attractive on stage with their glittering green canopy motifs and as usual the frontline tenor pannists dazzled. However, they came in ninth with their rendition of Edwin Pouchet's arrangement of "Shock Attack". Their performance included dancing and singing and confetti and pyrotechnics to garner 267 points in position seven.
NLCB Fonclaire brought soca queen Destra Garcia with them for their rendition of Ken 'Professor' Philmore's arrangement of "Addicted" but could only manage 267 points placing them seventh. "Addicted" features vocals by Garcia.
RBC Redemption Sound Setters placed 10th with their rendition of Winston Gordon and Michael Toby's arrangement of "More Than an Oil Drum".
Judging in the medium category saw Sieon Gomez and NLCB Buccooneers beating the field with a fantastic rendition of his arrangement of "Gold".
They were followed by Courts Sound Specialist of Laventille which performed Ken Philmore's arrangement of "Long Time" and Petrotrin Katzenjammers for their rendition of Len Boogsie Sharpe's arrangement of "Kershon The Javelin Champion".
Curepe Scherzando gave the audience something to listen to with their very danceable and musical performance of Yohan Popwell's arrangement of "We Come out to Play". They placed fourth

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Five Dead: Early Morning Fatal Accident in Tobago

Accident that claimed five lives earlier this Morning on the
Claude Noel Highway at the Spring Garden Intersection

It has only been two days into full Carnival activities in Tobago and already one accident has claimed multiple lives.

There was a fatal two car smash up on the Claude Noel Highway in the early hours of this morning. Reports from the Scarborough Police Traffic Branch were that Duke was driving a maroon Mazda 3 station wagon east, along the Claude Noel Highway when he overtook a vehicle and collided head-on with a green Lancer driven by Stewart, a ward attendant at the Scarborough General Hospital. The collision took place at the spring garden intersection just around the traffic light  instantly killing 5 persons and sending some airborne.  One person's head was said to be completely severed while emergency personnel had to fetch others out of the near by bushes.  

The call has once again gone out to patrons of parties and persons taking part in Carnival activities to observe the road laws. Designate a driver, drive within the speed limit and obey all traffic rules, so that events like these would not repeat its self. 

With three more days remaining to revel, Tobagodaily is also calling for a beef up in patrols on the Highway of Tobago. Tobagodaily would have observed last night that there were no highway patrols especially in known accident prone areas.

Tobagodaily would like the officers to note that part of policing is prevention, and as such highway patrols can prevent obnoxious and irresponsible drivers from causing life taking events like these.  

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